Wastebusters recently released their annual Slow Fashion Report, based on a survey conducted earlier this year collecting peoples opinions on fashion and consumption. Based in Te Waipounamu, Wastebusters is a fantastic organisation championing waste reduction and resource recovery. This survey was conducted as part of Wastebusters annual Slow Fashion Month, held every March. This survey is now collated into a report, supported by Queenstown Lake District Council. The intention of the report is to inform future initiatives to address fast fashion.
Many respondents noted repair as a key component of achieving slow fashion- and we couldn’t agree more! Read some highlights below:
With thanks to Wastebusters for permission to share repair highlights of this report.
We are pleased to see how often repair is mentioned by participants, and it is our mission to grow this number of people each day in the Kiwi Repair Community. In Te Waipounamu, repair awareness is spearheaded by the excellent Wastebusters team, who promote repairing as a waste diversion method, and teach these skills in workshops and Repair Cafés. We are grateful to Wastebusters for highlighting how essential repair is in the slowing and circularity of the fashion industry, similar to other consumer industries. We hope that this report makes readers and participants consider their own consuming and wasting habits, and how easy it is to integrate repair into this process- to significantly impact our climate impact.