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Levin Repair Café

Repair Café Levin

Senior Citizens Hall, Corner Montgomery and Cambridge Street, 5510 Levin

Second Saturday of the month, 10am - 1pm. Last repair accepted at 12.30

Levin Repair Café

The Levin Repair Café opened in November 2020, after several months of exploring the idea for starting up this regular local community based event.

Our vibrant monthly event has become a popular space for our community to gather, socialise over coffee and home baking, share stories and skills, get things fixed, whilst saving costs and helping the environment by preventing items from being thrown into the tip.

We have a dedicated team of volunteers; including hosts, café organisers and repairers. New volunteers are regularly joining us, bringing with them a variety of skills and experiences. If you're interested in volunteering, come and check us out at our next event.

Bring along items to be fixed including: electrical household goods, sewing, darning, leather items, costume jewellery, small wooden furniture, picture frames, toys, bikes, garden tools to be repaired or sharpened, computers etc. We have basic supplies to fix items, if specific parts are needed please bring them along or we can advise you on what's needed. If we can't fix an item we will try to put you in touch with someone who might be able to. No fixed charge but koha is appreciated to cover our costs.

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