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Become a volunteer!

Repair Café Aotearoa NZ values volunteers as our most treasured resource.


If you are a keen fixer and would like to share your skills with the community at a repair café, we would love to hear from you. If you are interested in contributing to the repair movement in other ways, Repair Café Aotearoa NZ is a volunteer-run organisation with various exciting opportunities available.

To express your interest in volunteering for a local repair café, or with RCANZ, fill in this form. 


Building whanaungatanga/ relationships among repair café organisers encourages sharing resources and skills and building a network across the motu. Regular online network meetings and working groups offer opportunities to learn more about volunteer recruitment, retention and how to celebrate our volunteers. 

To learn more about joining the Kiwi Repair Community, please contact us here.

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2024 © Repair Café Aotearoa New Zealand

RCANZ is a pillar of

Repair Network Aotearoa

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