Raumati South Repair Café
Raumati South Memorial Hall, Tennis Court Road, 5032 Raumati South
Third Sunday of every second month, 10am – 1pm - See the RCANZ calendar or our Facebook page for the next event
People from across the Kapiti Coast are welcome to bring broken items to the Raumati South Repair Cafe. Our volunteer repairers love fixing items on the spot. If the job is too big, they will advise you of alternative local repair opportunities. Depending on volunteer availability the type of repairs on offer can include:
Sewing and mending - clothes and other fabrics
Electrical appliances (small enough for you to carry in)
Low voltage electrical devices (i.e. battery operated or working through a transformer)
IT troubleshooting (laptops, cell phones, tablets)
Knife and garden tool sharpening
Bicycle maintenance
General repairs - try your luck
Jewellery repairs.
Also available:
Coffee, teas and slices
Sustainability Trust – recycling advice and e-waste collection
Community information and connection
A great buzz!
Koha is greatly appreciated to help us cover the running costs of our events which are held approximately every two months. For up-to-date information about our next event, please visit our Facebook page. If you would like to become involved as a repair volunteer, organiser or event helper, please complete our Expression of Interest survey.